The focus of Makerspace at Mt. Rowan Campus is to create an environment in which students from various year levels with shared interests in computing and technology can gather to work on projects, share ideas, and experience a range of technological equipment. It is designed to encourage students to think creatively and develop STEM based skills to tackle problem-solving activities.

The Mount Rowan Campus Makerspace can currently provide students access to:

  • 3D design, rapid prototyping and printing;
  • Arduino;
  • Lego Robotics;
  • Electronics;
  • and the potential to connect to larger extra curriculum activities such as Latrobe University’s ‘3D Print-A-Car Challenge’.

Makerspace activities are tailored to promote pathways into the fields of Engineering and Science, whilst also providing a supportive and enjoyable environment for learning. Both lunch-time and after-school sessions will be available for students on a weekly basis.